Pediatric Dentistry Courses
- Case selection ,diagnosis, treatment planning and art of convincing patient
- Management of pediatric patient
- Fillings GIC, composites
- Management of nursing bottle caries and rampant caries
- Pulp capping
- i.Direct
- ii.Indirect
- Pulpotomy
- Apexogenesis
- Pulpectomy
- Pre-Fabricated crowns
- Diagnosis of Habits and management
- 1.Tongue thrusting
- 2.Thumb sucking
- 3.Mouth Breathing
- Space Maintainers and regainers-types, fabrication
- Diagnosis of Cross bites and Management
- Mixed dentition- orthodontic diagnosis and treatment
- 1.Myofunctional appliance
- 2.Serial extraction
- Pediatric Patient Management in emergencies
- 1.Childhood dental injuries
- 2.Avulsion Management
- 3.Preparation of sport guard
- 4.Splinting
- Treatment of Anterior teeth with Strip Crowns
- Fluoride application
- Pit and fissure sealants
This Pediatric Dentistry Courses also includes; Will be done on extracted teeth and typodont
- Fillings GIC, composites
- Pulp capping
- Direct
- InDirect
- Pulpotomy
- Pulpectomy
- Crown preparation for prefabricated crowns
- Demonstration Of Various Appliances
- Fluoride application
- Pit And Fissure Sealants
Under this Pediatric Dentistry Courses Candidates will be allowed to work on patients on most of the procedures learned in theory and Hands on depending on the duration of clinical posting and availability of various cases.
- Diagnosis ,treatment planning, and convincing patient
- Restorations, Pulpotomy, Pulpectomy, pit and fissure Sealants
- Appliances
- Fluoride application
Avail The best Pediatric Dentistry Courses from the best Dental academy in India